Booking Engine R2
Palace Pontedilegno Resort

The best place to enjoy life

The Palace Pontedilegno Resort is surrounded by the wonderful natural backdrop of a lush fir and larch forest. The resort is located approximately 600 metres from the centre of Ponte di Legno and about 800 metres from the main ski lifts, which are easily accessible using the public shuttle service.

The resort's accommodation options include both suites and apartments, so there's something to suit everyone's needs.

Ponte di Legno

Ponte di Legno is one of Italy's oldest and most important ski resorts, located at 1200 metres above sea level on a vast, sunlit plateau. The town, considered the undisputed capital of the Upper Camonica Valley, is a hub for alpine tourism that thrives in both summer and winter.
Ponte di Legno is also an ideal location in summer, when visitors can enjoy a well-earned rest in between magnificent walks and mountain bike rides in the Adamello-Presanella range, the Stelvio National Park, and the Adamello Park.

Contact us

Palace Pontedilegno Resort

Via Trento 19
25056 – Ponte di Legno (BS) – Lombardia